This application works on Android 8.0, andabove for fullymanaged device deployments ,and with Android 9.0 andabove for alldeployment modes. To enable thisexperience, ITAdmins should use a compatible UEM/EMM solutionprovider thatsupports Managed Play Store and OEMConfig within theirconsole andbackend.

Enterprise IT Adminscan use the KSP appto enable KPE policies on their managed devices.Once enabled,these devices can be deployed as fully managed, KnoxWorkspace orfully managed with Knox Workspace.

NOTE: 1) This App is for enterprise IT Admins to setup Knoxpolicieson managed devices 2) This app uses DeviceAdministrationpermissions to set up policies and manage SamsungKnox Platform forEnterprise (KPE) enabled mobile devices The KnoxService Plugin(KSP) is an app that supports a subset of SamsungKnox Platform forEnterprise (KPE) features.