Download emule servers list
Download emule servers list

Unk: Increased the maximum number of upload slots to accomidate high rate connections.Unk: If a client doesn't respond to udp packets after a few times, we force only tcp connections.Ornis: Added 2 more statistics to category tooltips.Ornis: Fixed issue of jumping category tooltips.(Note: Depending on your locale, you may experience somewhat different sorting orders for strings.) bluecow: Fixed bug with general string compares which were dependent on locale.bluecow: Fixed bug in Kad tag name string compare which was dependent to locales with multi byte character pages.: Fixed a bug which could cause a too fast queue rotation when not using the option "try to upload full chunks" for uploading bluecow: Added file error handling for writing of onlinesig.dat file.Het changelog deelt ons de volgende veranderingen mee: Met eMule is het mogelijk om met het eDonkey2000- en Kademlia-netwerk te verbinden, om zo met andere mensen bestanden uit te wisselen.

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Over tien dagen is eMule twee jaren jong, en om dit te vieren heeft het team achter deze P2P-client versie 0.42f uitgebracht.

Download emule servers list