You can now log into your own account using the newly created new password. Click on the button Reset password (You just have to follow the instructions that will appear on the screen to change the password of your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer.).Now choose your name from the list that appears.Click on the padlock and enter again the name and password of the administrator in question.How to reset my Macbook password using another administrator account? It may take some time to process it, but the validation of your new password will not be long. In this case, please enter the old password. Indeed, if you have just changed your password, the changes may not yet be taken into account. You can also try to sign in with the password of the Apple ID you use to iCloud.They can be secret questions such as "what is your father's first name?" " for example. If when entering your password, a interrogation point is displayed, you can then click on it to get hints about your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer password.In fact, upper and lower case letters are taken into account when entering the connection password for your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer. Make sure that the Majuscule is not activated.Before embarking on these steps, please do a few simple checks:

If you can't remember the latter, don't panic, there are solutions. There are different ways to Reset password from your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer.